Agerton, Cris (1997- )
Agerton, Joshua (1999- )
Brandel, Cecilia "Babe" (Wiese) (1915-1996)
Wife of Jon's Paternal Great Uncle
Cowperthwaite, Karyn (2003- )
Gion, Haley (2002 - )
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Gion, Jason (1959- )
Husband of Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin
Gion, Samantha (1997- )
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Leintz, Lawrence (1920-1976)
Husband of Jon's Paternal First Cousin Once Removed
Lyslo, Brett (1989- )
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Lyslo, Derek (1981- )
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Maetzold, Carol (Schoen) (1955- )
Wife of Jon's Paternal 2nd Cousin
Monson, Addison (2009- )
Monson, Deborah Elaine (Wimmer) (1954- )
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin
Monson, Diana (Lyslo) (1951- )
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin
Monson, Donald (1923-2017)
Jon's Father
Monson, Elizabeth (Agerton) (1975- )
Monson, Gary (1953-1973)
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin
Monson, Geralyn (1956- )
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin
Monson, Jon (Age 0-17) (1959 - )
Monson, Jon (Age 18-59) (1959- )
Monson, Jon (Age 60+) (1959- )
Monson, Jonathan Adult (1980- )
Monson, Jonathan Child (1980 - )
Monson, Kaydence (2005- )
Monson, Lawrence "Larry" (1925- )
Jon's Paternal Uncle
Monson, Marc (1955- )
Jon's Brother
Monson, Paul (Summers) (1952- )
Jon's Brother
Monson, Vickie (Gion) (1959- )
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin
Muller, Wilhelmina (Wiese) (1868-1956)
Jon's Paternal Great Grandmother
Neuman, Ella (1918-2000)
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Neumann, Frieda (1920-2013)
Jon's Paternal Cousin Once Removed
Neumann, Ruth (1926-1933)
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Schlotman, John (1874-1948)
Father in Law of Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Schlotman, Shirley (Schoen) (1928-2018)
Wife of Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Schoen, Amy (Martinez) (1959- )
Jon's Paternal 2nd Cousin
Schoen, Ardis (1945- )
Jon's Paternal 2nd Cousin
Schoen, Arthur Richard (1920-2003)
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Schoen, Augustina (Bartel) (1883-1975)
Schoen, Barry Allen (1954- )
Jon's Paternal 2nd Cousin
Schoen, Edward (1947- )
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Schoen, Ella Lyall (1914-1917)
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Schoen, Ginger (Hernandez) (1959- )
Jon's Paternal 2nd Cousin
Schoen, Herta (Leintz) (1918-2019)
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Schoen, Marvin Reinhart (1923-1978)
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Schoen, Richard (1889-1970)
Husband of Jon's Paternal Great Aunt
Tangren, David Michael Jr (1993- )
Whipple, Gertrude (Schlotman) (1885-1975)
Mother in Law of Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Wiese, Albert (1900-1969)
Jon's Paternal Great Uncle
Wiese, Emil (1909-1994)
Jon's Paternal Great Uncle
Wiese, Ernestesse (Schoen) (1903-1970)
Jon's Paternal Great Aunt
Wiese, Ewald (1903-1970)
Jon's Paternal Great Uncle
Wiese, Karl August (1872-1929)
Jon's Paternal Great Grandfather
Wiese, Lydia (Neumann) (1898-1961)
Jon's Paternal Great Aunt
Wiese, Richard Leonard (1933- )
Jon's Paternal 1st Cousin Once Removed
Wiese, Rienhold (1906-1994)
Jon's Paternal Great Uncle
Wiese, Ottilia "Tillie" (Monson) (1901-1990)
Jon's Paternal Grandmother
Wimmer, Aaron (1982- )
Jon's Paternal First Cousin Once Removed
Zink Elizabeth "Betty" (Schoen) (1923-2015)
Wife of Jon's Maternal 1st Cousin Once Removed