Anderson, Karen (Stapp/Spitze) (1952- )
Stepmother of Daughter in Law
Campos, Brenda (Spitze) (1984- )
Sister in Law of Daughter in Law
Dubisky, Kaili Mae (2019 - )
Daughter of Sister of Daughter in Law
Dubisky, Neal (1977- )
Brother in Law of Daughter in Law
Dubisky, Paxton (2018- )
Nephew of Daughter in Law
Monson, Addison (2009- )
Monson, Jonathan Adult (1980- )
Monson, Kaydence (2005- )
Smith, Glenys (Spitze) (1919-2008)
Paternal Grandmother of Daughter in Law
Spitze, Bryce (1985- )
Brother of Daughter in Law
Spitze, Chelsea (Dubisky) (1984- )
Sister of Daughter in Law
Spitze, Itzel (2018- )
Daughter of Brother of Daughter in Law
Spitze, Raini (Monson) (1980- )
Daughter in Law
Spitze, Romero Christian (2020- )
Son of Brother of Daughter in Law
Spitze, Terril "Terry" (1950-2021)
Father of Daughter in Law
Wood, Cherie (Spitze) (1950- )
Mother of Daughter in Law