Jackie Furr Portrait
Jackie Stern and Thelma Wells 1952
(R) Bettie Wells, Jack Stern (F) Steve Stern, Jackie Stern
Dan Wells, Mike Griggsm Jackie Furr and Bessie Garrett c 1952
Barbara Wells, Norm Wells, Bettie Wells (Stern), Jack Stern, Jackie "Libby" Stern (baby), Mike Griggs (F) Dan Wells c 1953
(R) Bessie Garrett (F) Dan Wells, Mike Griggs, Jackie Stern and Elizabeth Stern c 1953
Dan Wells, Mike Griggs, Jacquiline Stern
(R) Jack Stern, Bettie Wells, Bessie Garrett, Norm Wells Jr, Barbara Rogers (F) Jackie Stern, Mike Griggs c 1953
Nancy Rogers, Fran (?), Mike Griggs and Jackie Stern c 1955
Jackie Furr c 1955
(L to R) Jacqueline, Elizabeth and Stephen Stern c 1959
(R) Elizabeth Stern, Jacquiline Stern (F) Steve Stern, Debbie (Unknown) c 1961
Jaquiline Martin and Betty Wells c 1966
Bettie Wells, Bessie Garrett, Laura Simmons (Garrett), Jacqueline Stern c 1969